Math Concepts
What is a concept?
According to Julie Stern, a concept is “an organizing idea with distinct attributes that are shared across multiple examples.”
What concepts live in Mathematics?
This is just a sample of concepts found in the K-12 Alberta Program of Studies
- addition / subtraction / additive thinking
- cause / effect
- communication
- change
- connection
- correspondence
- depth
- derivative
- dimension
- equality / equivalence
- estimation
- factor
- form
- formula
- function
- generalization
- interaction
- inverse
- logic
- manipulation
- measurement
- models
- multiplication / division / multiplicative thinking
- number sense
- numbers
- order
- organization
- parts / wholes
- pattern
- periodic
- perspective
- place value
- precision
- prediction
- probability
- problem-solving
- properties
- proportion
- quantity
- ratio
- relation
- relationship
- repetition
- representation
- sampling
- scale
- shape
- space
- strategy
- structure
- system
- translation
- time
- variable
- whole / parts